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チームラボプラネッツ 取材のお問い合わせ / teamLab Planets TOKYO Media Inquiry
The following questions will give us a better idea regarding your medium and will help us assist with your request.
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Your email
氏名 / Your name
Your answer
ご連絡先 / Contact
携帯番号・LINE・Messengerなど / cell phone, WhatsApp, WeChat, etc
Your answer
貴社名 / Name of company
Your answer
貴媒体名・貴番組名 / Name of media or program
Your answer
媒体の種類 / Type of media
テレビ / TV
ウェブ / Web
新聞 / Newspaper
雑誌 / Print Magazine
ラジオ / Radio
媒体のアクセス数 / Popularity/Access Count of media
視聴率・発行部数・PV数など / e.g. viewership, circulation, etc
Your answer
媒体・番組概要 / Brief description of media or program
Your answer
主な読者・視聴者層 / Who is your main audience?
例:大学生、エンジニア、30~40代女性など / e.g. university students, engineers, etc
Your answer
想定している発売日・放送日・掲載日 / What is the planned release/broadcast date?
Your answer
企画概要の詳細 / How will we be featured?
If you have any sample articles (documents or URLs), or an outline for the piece, please share those for reference
Your answer
掲載・放送の言語 / In what language are you going to publish the piece?
Your answer
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