Feedback form
Whether you took a masterclass, course or a 1:1 session or used our DJ promo pool or mastering, this form is for you to share feedback and next guests suggestions!

Filling in this form should not take more than a couple of minutes of your time.

We would love to hear your feedback to see how we can improve. Thank you for taking the time!
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What type of interaction did you have *
Which tutor / artist led the class or product?
Did the session/experience meet your expectations? *
Not at all
Exceeded my expecations
Your name [leave blank if you would like this to be anonymous]
Your email address [if you wish to be contacted regarding your feedback]
Was this your first time with Home of Sound?
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How did you come across us?
If you are a producer, what is your level of music production / DJ / VJ?
Clear selection
Was the session appropriate to your level of understanding? *
It was too easy
It was too hard
How long would you like masterclasses / courses to be?
Clear selection
What did you find most useful?
Anything you would have wanted but didn't get?
Was the communication clear?
Anything we can improve in terms of processes, website, communication with you?
What other producers/artists would you like to see with Home of Sound?
Anything else you want to share?
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