COMPASS scene set request
By requesting the COMPASS stimulus set, you agree to use the images for research purposes only. You also agree not to publish any of the scenes in any public venue, including presentations, posters, publications, or demonstrations. You also agree to cite the following paper in any publication or presentation resulting from the use of this stimulus set:

Weierich, M.R., Kleshchova, O., Rieder, J.K., & Reilly, D.M. (2019). The Complex Affective Scene Set (COMPASS): Solving the social content problem in affective visual stimulus sets. Collabra: Psychology, X(X): X. DOI:

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IF you are not faculty, please provide the name of your faculty advisor: *
For what purpose/project are you downloading this scene set? *
Thank you - we will respond to your request as promptly as possible.
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