Solving a System of Linear Equations  via Elimination
When substitution, is not warranted because you cannot easily solve one of the equations for one of the variables entirely in terms of the other variable, and then elimination may be considered. Solving a system using linear elimination involves multiplying each equation by conveniently selected differing constants so that a variable will be eliminated when the equations are added or subtracted. Once a variable is eliminated, we solve for the remaining variable.
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Consider the following system of linear equations. The first equation is given as 4x - 5y = -2 and the second is 5x + 5y = 20.  What would be the first step in solving this system using elimination? Choose the best answer. *
1 point
Consider the same system of linear equations. The first equation is given as 4x - 5y = -2 and the second is 5x + 5y = 20. The point of intersection is? *
1 point
Consider the following system of linear equations. The first equation is given as 6x + y = 3 and the second is 14x - 7y = 7. What is the point of intersection of the two lines described? *
1 point
Consider the following system of linear equations. The first equation is given as 3x - 4y = -9 and the second is 18x - 5y = 3.  What is the point of intersection of the two lines described? *
1 point
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