Thriving Mushrooms Couch Surfer Application 蘑菇小屋沙发客申请表 🍄
Thriving Mushroom's mission is to  create an intentional community that is anchored in self-growth, creativity, and a strong sense of belonging. One way that we create this community is through welcoming new and old friends to stay with us through as coach surfers where we can learn about new ideas and perspectives. 蘑菇小屋的使命是创建一个以自我成长、创造力和强烈归属感为基础的意向性社区。我们创建这个社区的方法之一,就是欢迎新老朋友以沙发客的形式在小屋分享想法和观点、参与共创。

Before you submit, please make sure that you have read our: 在提交申请表之前,请确保你已阅读我们的
We review the application on the weekly basis, and will contact you ASAP once you have submitted the form. Thank you for your patience! If you did not receive a reply within 2 weeks, you can safely assume that we don't have availability, or your application was not successful. 我们每周都会审核申请,一旦你提交了表格,我们将尽快与你联系。感谢你的耐心等待!如果超过两周没有收到回复,那说明小屋可能没有空位,或者你的申请没有成功。
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Name 姓名 *
WeChat Name / WhatsApp # 微信或其他联系方式
Planned arrival date 到达日期
Planned departure date 离开日期
Please introduce yourself briefly. 请简单地做一下自我介绍
What would you like to bring to the Thriving Mushrooms community? 您想为蘑菇小屋的社群带来什么?
What stories, ideas, or perspectives would you like to bring to the community? We are most likely to say "Heck yea" to those who made us curious! 您想为这个社群带来怎样的故事、想法或观点?我们最有可能对那些让我们感到好奇的人说 "好啊"!
Who referred you to Thriving Mushrooms? 是谁介绍你来蘑菇小屋的?
I acknowledge that I will observe the House Rules and Couch Surfers Policy during my stay at Thriving Mushrooms. If violated, the members of Thriving Mushrooms reserve the right to revoke my couch surfer status. 我保证我在蘑菇小屋住宿期间将遵守 "住客须知 "和 "沙发客须知"内的规则。如有违反,蘑菇小屋成员有权解除对我发出的沙发客的邀请。
Fun fact about mycelium: plants are connected underground via incomprehensibly complex networks of mycelium. That is us, we aspire to connect with the interesting souls and communities! Are you ready to be connected to our mycelium network and thrive together? 

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