This test should help indicate your CEFR level in Spanish [A1-C1]. Each correct answer is given a point, and the total number of points indicates which level you are currently at.
Questions will increase in difficulty as you complete the test. If you reach questions you are unable to answer/understand, leave them blank, as this test is designed to identify levels from beginners to advanced, and is likely to include material you have not yet studied.
0 - 3 correct answers: Beginners
4 - 5 correct answers: Year 2 or 3.
6 - 10 correct answers: Year 4 or Lower Intermediate
11 - 13 correct answers: Intermediate
14 - 15 correct answers: Upper Intermediate
16 - 20 correct answers: Lower Advanced
21 - 25 correct answers: Advanced
26 - 30 correct answers: Upper Advanced
Please note that we may not offer every level each year, depending on demand. If you would like more advice about which course to book, please forward a copy of your results to us at and we will contact you.