CougarAI 2024 Fall Membership
Membership form for the UH CougarAI Student Organization, Fall 2024.

Prices (Pay by CashApp to $CougarAI or to Jonathan at any general meeting)
Fall Semester Membership: $15
Fall+Spring Semester Membership: $25

Join for exclusive networking events, AI workshops, and professional development opportunities! (and food)
Email *
Name *
PeopleSoft ID/ UHID  *
CougarNet Email *
Personal Email *
Discord Tag (Primary form of communication) *
What is your classification?
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What is your major?
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Where did you hear about us?
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Payment Method ($25 for fall and spring, $15 for fall) *
Confirm payment using one of the above methods
If CashApp, write CashApp username (ex. $UserName1)
If Cash, write Receipt Number (ex. #257018)
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