PEI Local Music Festivals Entry Form 2024
You will need to know:
  • Personal details of entrant(s), including year of birth
  • Teacher name and contact details (teachers will be copied into all correspondence) 
  • Accompanist name and contact details (if using)
  • The full class number and name for each entry
  • Are you entering competitively or non-competitively? 
  • Are you hoping to be eligible to be recommended for the National Festival?
  • Full title and composer of each piece.
  • The fee for each class 
Please check with your teacher / entrant if you are not sure about any of these. 

Payment must be made direct to your specific festival. Details of how to do this can be found on the website.

Notes on how to complete this form can be found here

A note about email addresses:
  1. You do not NEED to sign in with a Google email address to complete the form successfully. 
  2. If you do sign in with a Google email account, your progress will be saved. 
  3. You can type any email address in the field below (Even if Google has logged you in, you can type a different address here)
  4. If you sign in with a non-Google email address, when you close the form before submitting it will not save what you have entered and you'll have to start again when you re-open it. 
  5. Google will automatically send your confirmation of entry to the email that you type in THIS section (so if you want this to go to your Google email, you need to type it again even if you are logged in!)
  6. All correspondence about the festival scheduling or any queries that we have about your entry will go to the email that you type into the Entrant Information section of the form (and your teacher).
PLEASE NOTE - THIS FORM IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT THE FORM! The only compulsory question is the email one below, after that you can flick through the form and look at all the questions without having to type in anything.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Which festival are you entering? 
Note - If you wish to enter Queens County Festival, please go to their pages of the website to find their entry form -
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Do you wish to be considered for recommendation to the National Festival?
If you do not check "Yes" or "Other" here, your name will not appear on the adjudicators' list of performers to consider, even if you have fulfilled all of the eligibility criteria. 
  • Recommendations for the Non Competitive Education Stream (NCES) are made by Local Festival adjudicators for eligible performers aged 18 and under (14 and under for voice and musical theatre) performing at a level comparable to conservatory grades 4-7.
  • Recommendations for the Developing Artists Stream are made by Provincial Festival adjudicators for eligible performers aged 18 and under performing at a level comparable to conservatory grades 8-10.
  • Recommendations for the Emerging Artists Stream are made by Provincial Festival adjudicators for eligible performers aged 30 and under performing at an advanced level.

Please speak to your teacher about this, and read the National Festival section of our website.

If you are entering more than one discipline, and would like to be considered, but not in all of your disciplines, please select the "other" option and provide us with specific details.

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