Organizational Membership Application Form
Greetings & thank you for your interest in partnering with the National Coalition for the Homeless. We are a public policy and advocacy organization fighting for the right to housing. We would be delighted to have you join our dedicated community of advocates! We also encourage you to connect with other organizations and CoC's in your area to partner & promote change across the country! 

For organizations that are led by Individuals with lived experience, we thank you for your bravery & support. We also offer Waive Dues Memberships to support service organizations that are not federally funded. We would encourage your organization to also partner with the Bring America Home Now Campaign, which is a policy driven & grassroots organizing campaign designed to amplify our outreach and advocacy efforts. Individuals with lived expertise are also welcome to explore other NCH programs designed to empower you; Such as the Faces of Homelessness Speakers Bureau, & the Lived Experience Training Academy. We are happy to have the opportunity to partner with you!

A few important details to note: 
  • We are not a direct service agency, we are considered an NGO nonprofit and we do not offer housing or funding.
  • By submitting this form, you consent to being contacted by the National Coalition for the Homeless Staff, Leadership & community Members.
  • Contact information disclosed in this form will only be shared internally with NCH Membership & Leadership. (Membership Contact Lists are shared with our network on a Bi-monthly basis)
  • All applications are processed by the NCH Membership Committee, & New Members are officially onboarded by the Membership Coordinator at the start of each month consecutively.
Please complete this application in full detail, with this information in mind & with respect to your boundaries. We assure you, your information will never be disclosed outside of our organization, without your permission.

If you have any questions regarding NCH Membership, or need any assistance completing this application form please contact us at

Thank you for your care & consideration. We look forward to engaging with you!
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Representative/Contact Name (First and Last) *
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