Active Listening Growth Quiz
Please take this quiz to assess how you have grown as the result of having taken this listening workshop.

Active listening is a commitment and practice to listen non-judgmentally to what a person is saying.  The practice includes repeating, restating, rephrasing, pausing, recapitulating in order to communicate to the conversation partner that they are truly being seen, heard, listened to, and understood.  The aim of active listening is (i) to understand the speaker's message from the speaker's point of view by actively minimizing assumptions, guarding against cognitive bias, and avoiding overlaying the listener's expectations onto the speaker.  Such active listening practices are enacted so (ii) that both parties (acting as speaker and listener) have the opportunity to be seen, heard, listened to, and understood.  

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Active listening is about giving advice
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It is impossible "to not communicate" because every thing we do is sending a potential message with a potential meaning. 
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A person asks you if you will listen to something they need to share. A good response could be:  "I have time and I will be happy to listen. Let's go to a quiet place."
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Establishing good rapport with person is the key to understanding.
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A friend says: My brother is a bully. A good response may be 

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Scenario: A co-worker shares over lunch: "Ever since the George Floyd incident, I've not been able to sleep at night." A good first response might be:
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What situation calls for using your active listening skills?
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The "therapeutic use of self" is not
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Which is "not" a part of active listening
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Which of the following strategies is sound practice for initially receiving feedback?
Which is not a good reason to use active listening?
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As the recipient and co-narrator, the Listener should use their body language to:
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What is the role of your eyes when actively listening?
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What is likely the first key step to active listening?
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What percentage represents the total communication message conveyed by the words, based on research:
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It is a paradox in listening communication that in order to really understand another person's feelings about something, the least important part may be the...
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Which exemplifies active listening?
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Leaning forward, facing the speaker, clearing away barriers, turning off the computer, and putting away the cell phone are examples of ____?
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To show active listening from the receiver's point of view, the listener should consider directing their eyes . . .
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Depending on the context, a verbal cue that may help evidence active listening could be:
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True or False.  There is an abundance of training seminars a person can take on how to give feedback (i.e. that focuses on how to "send" feedback messages), but there are few training opportunities that teach on how to "receive" feedback.  
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True or False: Batman faces Robin when Robin is sharing. Batman is therefore always actively listening
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Select which scenario demonstrates active listening:
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Lambent is actively listening to Sharie. Select which strategy demonstrates active listening by Lambent.
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Nina is sharing how she broke her arm.  Pat picks up the cell phone while Nina is in mid-sentence. It would be reasonable if Nina feels ________.
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Active listening is regarded as a "two-way street" because?
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True or false: Even if you are being quiet while a person shares, you might not be actively listening.
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