PhillyiHub application for Fairmount CDC
Philadelphia Innovation Hub (PhillyiHub) offers training, resources, networking assistance and expertise to people looking to start or grow a business! This is a FREE program, that requires completing the application below and an interview by phone with the program leader.

There are two cohorts, one led by program founders Mt. Airy CDC for the Northwest Philadelphia community; and another produced by Fairmount CDC targeting residents of West Philadelphia, Fairmount, Brewerytown, Francisville, and Sharswood and adjacent neighborhoods. The program is co-managed by the business services staff at both agencies, with curriculum led by Kingdom Social Media.

If you have questions about PhillyiHub, email

By completing this application, I agree to the following requirements:

-I will schedule a personal interview session with PhillyiHub management
-I agree to attend all classes
-I agree to have video on during virtual sessions

Optional Opportunities:
If interested, you can join a Peer Accountability Pod. If selected, you agree to participate with all required components of the Pod Structure.
If interested, you can apply for free Business Navigator Consulting. Free consulting is available on a limited basis to students who complete the application and agree to the required additional time

Please Remember:
This is a competitive process, however we are looking for entrepreneurs in all stages of concept and product development. Fill out the application with as much information as possible and be prepared to discuss areas where you need support and hope to grow.

Accepting All Requirements:
Acceptance into the program depends on all the above requirements as well as approval by all PhillyiHub managers. PhillyiHub managers reserve the right to reject an applicant if the business is determined inappropriate or disrespectful to any person or people.
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Personal information
The questions below will help us keep in touch during the program; the demographic information does not influence any decisions regarding participation, but is required so we can ensure we are reaching as many local communities as possible.
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Primary Email *
Current Occupation
Highest Education Level Completed
Gender; how do you identify?
What pronouns do you use? *
iHub Questions
How did you hear about the PhillyiHub?
What would you like to gain from this program?
Do you have a preference for cohort attendance?
If accepted, approximately when would you like to begin? (dates will be announced closer to each cohort)
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Business Questions
Briefly explain your business/idea
In one or two sentences explain your work/business history. If you have any business training, or relevant experiences, please add that here
What stage if your business currently at?
Do you currently work another job? If "yes", what type of job is it?
How much time do you spend running your business?
Are you planning on pursuing this business as a:
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Where is your target market?
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Value Proposition
If applicable, you can email your business plan or concept paper along with your application, instead of filling out this section
Briefly describe the value your business or services will offer to your clients.
List 3 challenges you are facing right now in your process:
List 3 things about your business (or idea) that you are excited about:
How many years has the business been in operation?
Have you completed a business plan?
Credit and Capital
How is your business being financed?
Please share any experience you have raising capital for a business.
Do you own your business 100% or do you have a partner?
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Do you run the business yourself? How many jobs does your business provide?
How comfortable are you with understanding your credit score?
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How well do you understand the process of getting a loan?
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How do you keep your credit strong?
Business Service Requirements

Please Identify the urgency of your need for each topic based on the following options:
Immediate (1-6 months); Moderate (7 months- 24 months); Long Term (over two years)
General Business Assistance
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Testing Your Business Idea
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Pricing & Money
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General Marketing
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Pitching Your Idea
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Please include anything you feel we need to know about you and your business needs:
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