Parents interested in serving on PEACE
Thanks for your interest in guiding equity and inclusion work for the district.  According to the PEACE bylaws, four parent representatives living in the Fargo Public School District who have students attending Fargo Public Schools may apply to serve on PEACE by filling out this form. Information from this form will be used by the Teaching and Learning team to select parent representatives to serve a two year term on PEACE. Thank you again. Tamara Uselman
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Please write your first and last name *
Please write your home address. *
Please type your email address. *
Please type a good telephone number. *
Do you work in the Fargo Public Schools? (Parent reps may not be employees of the district. That said, a parent may work as a substitute for Fargo Public Schools.) *
Please write the name of the school(s) where your child(ren) attend(s): *
Please describe your background with or interest in serving populations who are currently marginalized: *
What unique perspectives or skills can you contribute to the PEACE. *
What issues would you like the PEACE to address? *
Optional: please share any of your current or past participation in school building level, district level or community level committees, services, programs, or activities.
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Acest formular a fost creat în domeniul Fargo Public Schools. Raportează un abuz