L@F24+ Program Enquiry Form
If you have a query, question or would like to know about the Learning @ Friends' 24 Plus (L@F24+) Program, please complete the form below.  Submitted forms will be received by the Director of Community Engagement, Bill Avery and Program Project Coordinator, Lyn Tunbridge.  You have the option to provide your contact details for a direct response to your query.  
For information about the Program, please visit https://www.friends.tas.edu.au/learning-at-friends-24-plus/ 
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Please indicate how you are connected or involved with the School? *
Please indicate if you have a question for one of the Working Groups listed below?
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Please share you question, query or feedback here: *
Is there an area of the L@F24+ Program you would like to know more about? *
If you would like us to respond to your query directly, please provide your contact details below, including your name and email.
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