Abundant Transformation Retreat Application

Please complete the following application form and if you look like a good fit based on your responses below, we will reach out to arrange a discovery call to dive a bit deeper and to get to know each other better. We advise you to take your time to complete this application so we can better understand your current situation and the kind of support you are looking for. The more detail you share, the better recommendations we’ll be able to make when we speak. Spaces are limited on this exclusive 1-1 experience, so please come prepared to make a decision to get started (or not) when we speak. We will be looking for a full body YES or a full body NO during our call, and there are never any strings attached to the call. Looking forward to hearing from you! Sara & Simba

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Email *
Name & age *
Please add your WhatsApp or Telegram number or alias, including your country code.

Please specify your country code for your number
What time zone are you currently in?

Please share how you came in contact with us or our work? How did you find us?

How long have you been following us and our work?
What attracts you about joining our Transformation Retreats?

Hippocrates says: “Before you heal someone, ask him if he's willing to give up the things that make him sick.”

How much do you align with this statement for your personal transformation process on a scale of 1 - 10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest?

What is your main objective to join this Transformation Retreat?

If you could get 3 results through this retreat, what would they be?

What type of recourses are you willing to invest to achieve the result/s? Time, energy, money, commitment, practices etc?
How dedicated are you to your investments above? Please rate your dedication from 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest level of dedication. 
This is a commitment that comes with an investment starting at $8000 USD. What is your preferred  payment plan?
Our retreats are a 21-day experience and starts one time per month. When are you interested in joining? *
To move forward to the next step in the process, please send us a message on WhatsApp or Telegram and let us know that you have finished the application. Please send your message to this number: +66 64 319 8284 We will review and get back to you shortly with the next steps of setting up a personal consultation. 

Where have you contacted us?
Anything else you would like us to know?
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