PawTap Barn Hunt Secretarial Software Survey
Please fill out this survey so we can know what things we need to do to serve you better!
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Paw Tap Barn Hunt Software
When did you purchase the software? *
Which version of the software did you buy? *
If Windows, which version of Windows are you running it on?
Before you purchased the software, did you read all the recommended information on the purchasing web page? *
On a scale of 1 - 10, with 1 being easy and 10 being hard, how easy was the installation process? *
1 is easy, 10 is hard
On a scale 1 - 10, with 1 being easy and 10 being hard, how easy is it to navigate around the software? *
1 is easy, 10 is hard
Do you think the Home Page layout makes sense? *
Have you had problems using the software? *
If you have had problems, what are they?
If you could have ONE feature added, what would it be?
What are some other features you would like to see added?
Is there anything you would like to see removed?
What software were you using to secretary for Barn Hunt Trials before you purchased PawTap? *
Would you recommend this software to a friend? *
If you would like to say your name, please write below. This is not required.
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