Responding to COVID-19: Unify the country around trust in science, medicine and engineering
As a group of scientists, engineers, medical doctors, and health care professionals who represent a wide range of geographic locations and institutions, we are writing this letter to offer a unified message regarding the government’s response to COVID-19. We urge the American people and our leaders to support a science-driven approach against our common enemy, the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

To minimize deaths and bring a rapid end to this crisis, our country must have public policy based on objective, data-driven facts and predictions. Scientists must continue to advise leaders, at both the federal, state, and local levels, and must be installed in permanent positions across government agencies and offices to prepare the nation for future outbreaks. Scientific expertise must guide decisions for rapid deployment of affordable testing, case tracking, carefully controlled clinical trials for treatments, vaccine development and research to identify a cure. Until our governments commit to this approach, infectious pandemics will continue to result in widespread suffering and economic disruption.

We were heartened when federal guidelines for physical distancing were extended until the end of April 2020. The decision came in direct response to data-driven epidemiological recommendations. In many parts of the country a longer period of distancing may be necessary, and policy makers must continue to use data to inform those decisions. Further, directives that slow the spread of disease must be taken seriously by everyone in order to save lives and preserve the health care infrastructure.

In addition, political leaders must respect and facilitate critical and collaborative relationships with doctors and scientists around the globe, and resist all xenophobic reactions to this crisis. Ultimately, when cases start to decrease, science-based recommendations must guide a carefully orchestrated process for easing social distancing restraints to avoid a resurgence of COVID-19. To be successful, that process will require international partnerships to facilitate a methodical and objective analysis of what has and has not worked across the globe.

For our part, we commit to erasing this pandemic with all the creativity and effort it requires. We are a country that has time and again been unified by the spirit of hard work, innovation and scientific excellence. That is the American way, and this time should be no different.

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