Application for Milrich Virtual Professionals LLC
Milrich Virtual Professionals, LLC (The Company) Is An Equal Opportunity Employer. All applicants in the United States are required to complete and submit this Application. The Company does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, color, race, religion, marital status, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, physical & mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, military and veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law.
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Email *
Legal Name (Last, First, Middle) *
Complete Home Address (include PO Box, Apt. #, etc.  Home Number, Street, City, State, Zip Code and Country) *
Phone: *
E-mail Address: *
Are you based in the United States? *
We are currently only hiring US Based workers at this time - thank you!
Position Applying For : JOB TITLE/TYPE OF WORK *
Desired Salary: *
Available Start Date: *
Daily Availability (please list the specific times you’re available to work each day) *
Total Hours You Would Like To Work Per Week: *
How Did You Learn About This Opening? *
Desired Employment: *
Have You Worked For Or Applied For A Position At The Company Before? *
If yes, what position(s)?
If Hired, Can You Submit Verification Of Your Legal Right To Work In The U.S.? *
Please List Any Customer Service/Inbound/Outbound/Call Center Experience *
Level of Google Suite Experience *
(1 - none, 2 - novice, 3 - intermediate, 4 - advanced)
Level of comfort with the following: Outbound calling assignments for between 2-4 hours at a time? *
1 - not comfortable at all, 2 - a little comfortable, 3 - pretty comfortable, 4 - extremely comfortable)
Not Comfortable at All
Extremely Comfortable
Level of comfort with the following: Rejection from people on the other end of communication *
1 - not comfortable at all, 2 - a little comfortable, 3 - pretty comfortable, 4 - extremely comfortable)
Not Comfortable at All
Extremely Comfortable
Level of comfort with the following: Working independently *
1 - not comfortable at all, 2 - a little comfortable, 3 - pretty comfortable, 4 - extremely comfortable)
Not Comfortable at All
Extremely Comfortable
Level of comfort with the following: Working on a team *
1 - not comfortable at all, 2 - a little comfortable, 3 - pretty comfortable, 4 - extremely comfortable)
Not Comfortable at All
Extremely Comfortable
Please read the below carefully and then initial next to each paragraph. Please sign and date in the space provided at the bottom of this page.
I shall preserve in strictest confidence all information regarding the business or customers of the Company that may be disclosed to me or come to my attention in the process of applying for a position with the Company. *
(type initials below if you accept; type no if not)
I understand that any misrepresentation or omission of fact on this application, my resume, any supplementary materials submitted by me, and interview responses, may be cause for a refusal to hire me or the termination of employment at any time during the period of my employment. *
(type initials below if you accept; type no if not)
I have reviewed this application personally, and I agree that all statements I have made on this application, in my resume, and other supplementary materials submitted by me are true and correct. I have not knowingly withheld any information that might adversely affect my chance for employment. *
Electronic Signatures. The parties agree that the electronic signature of a party to this Agreement shall be as valid as an original signature of such party and shall be effective to bind such party to this Agreement. The parties agree that any electronically signed document (including this Agreement) shall be deemed (i) to be "written" or "in writing," (ii) to have been signed and (iii) to constitute a record established and maintained in the ordinary course of business and an original written record when printed from electronic files. Such paper copies or "printouts," if introduced as evidence in any judicial, arbitral, mediation or administrative proceeding, will be admissible as between the parties to the same extent and under the same conditions as other original business records created and maintained in documentary form. Neither party shall contest the admissibility of true and accurate copies of electronically signed documents on the basis of the best evidence rule or as not satisfying the business records exception to the hearsay rule. For purposes hereof, "electronic signature" means a manually-signed original signature that is then transmitted by electronic means; "transmitted by electronic means" means sent in the form of a facsimile or sent via the internet as a "pdf" (portable document format) or other replicating image attached to an e-mail message; and, "electronically signed document" means a document transmitted by electronic means and containing, or to which there is affixed, an electronic signature (Please type your name below if you agree, please type no if you decline)
Today's Date *
© 2017 TriNet. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. Sept. 2017.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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