Department of Earth Sciences, Stellenbosch University: Open Day Saturday 9 March
Dear Prospective Students,

Thank you for your interest in the Earth Sciences, it certainly is an exciting degree program and one which can lead to a very rewarding and fulfilling career after graduation.

The Department of Earth Sciences at Stellenbosch looks very forward to meeting you and interacting with you during the forthcoming Open Day event (starting at 9 am on Saturday 9 March). The program for the morning is as follows:

9.00 am:                             Arrival and welcome
9.15 – 10.00 am:              Engagement and Questions and Answers with Earth Science professors and lecturers
10.00 – 10.30 am:            Practical activity (rock identification, mapping, microscopy)
10.30 -  11.00 am:           Engagement and Questions and Answers with Earth Science students ( a great opportunity to interact with students who are currently completing our courses!)
11.00 – 12.00 am:            Boerewors rolls and further informal interactions

We look forward to welcoming you to our great department. For catering purposes, kindly RSVP via the following link.

Warm regards,
Earth Science Staff and Students

**Note all email information will be kept strictly confidential

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