2.3b Climate
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Climate is... *
1 point
Weather is... *
1 point
Which of the following terms can be used to describe the climate of the UK? *
1 point
A maritime climate is when: *
1 point
What is the Gulf Stream? *
1 point
How does the Gulf Stream affect the UK? *
1 point
Where does the Gulf Stream start? *
1 point
An air mass is: *
1 point
The five air masses that affect the UK are: *
1 point
As the UK is affected by a number of different air masses… *
1 point
‘Warm summers and cold winters’ describes the climate of which part of the UK? *
1 point
Which part of the UK has the lowest amount of rainfall? *
1 point
From which direction do the UK's prevailing winds blow? *
1 point
Why does the Lake District and Wales have high rainfall? *
1 point
What makes the climate of the western coast of Scotland milder than the east of Scotland? *
1 point
Which part of the UK gets the most sunshine? *
1 point
Which of these are NOT a factor that influences climate? *
1 point
Why are places near the poles colder than places near the equator? *
1 point
If the prevailing wind comes from across a sea of ocean in the summer this means… *
1 point
If the prevailing wind comes from across a sea of ocean in the winter this means… *
1 point
Continentality means places a long distance from the coast have: *
1 point
Continentality means places a near the coast have: *
1 point
Continentality is the climatic condition of: *
1 point
Altitude means: *
1 point
How does altitude affect climate? *
1 point
What two things does a climate graph show? *
1 point
‘It is very hot every month with no real seasonal variation in temperature. There is a large amount of rainfall each month’ describes: *
1 point
‘The climate is very seasonal. It is extremely hot in the summer and warm in the winter. There is a distinct wet and dry season’ describes: *
1 point
‘The climate is warm in the summer and cool in the winter. There is some rainfall all year but less during the summer’ describes: *
1 point
Tropical rainforest are generally found: *
1 point
Deserts are generally found: *
1 point
Why are deserts generally found along the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn? *
1 point
At the equator the air pressure is normally low because: *
1 point
Rainforests exist along the equator due to the low pressure caused by warm air rising. *
1 point
Rising air at the Tropic of Cancer means the weather is driven by high pressure meaning no deserts are found here. *
1 point
Which is NOT a way heat from the equator is transferred to other parts of the world? *
1 point
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