Attendance at all Kell High School Band rehearsals, sectionals, and performances is mandatory and is vital to the success of our program as well as its individual participants.
Please be aware of several important details regarding requests for excused absences:
NOTE: Homework, relatives in town, make-up work, vacations, college visits or employment are NOT reasons for an excused absence or tardy.
1.) All absence requests must be made at least 1 WEEK PRIOR to the requested absence date (the form is time stamped). Emergencies must be communicated ASAP to the directors via email and followed by a request form after resolution for recording purposes.
2.) All absence requests must be accompanied by an email to both directors ( &
3.) Absences will only count as excused after confirmation from a director via email.
4.) All absences (excused and unexcused) will follow the missed rehearsal time procedures outlined in the Kell High School Band Attendance Policy (linked here:
5.) Accumulation of unexcused tardies/absences may result in consequences as outlined by the Kell High School Band Attendance Policy (linked here:
6.) Please note that absences from dress rehearsals (rehearsals immediately preceding performances -- games and competitions) may preclude students from participating in the subsequent performance.
** If you are requesting multiple dates of absence, please fill out this form for each date.