WCPR Show Signup Form - Spring 2020
This is the WCPR Show Signup Form. Please read through the rules and information, fill out the form, and accept the agreement at the bottom.

A DJ is a station member who attends the required number of meetings. DJs will be given card access to Studio A to run shows once they have attended at least two meetings during the semester.

A Guest is a station member who assists a DJ with his or her show but does not attend meetings. Guests will not receive card access but can attend meetings to change their status.  DJs are responsible for the actions of their Guests.

Shows can submit a poster for their show, and the Publicity Manager will arrange for copies to be made for distribution.
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Show Details
Name of Show *
Put the name of your show here. You can change it at any point during the semester.
Show Time (DAY) *
Indicate which day(s) you would like to broadcast
Show Time (START) *
Indicate what time you wish for your show to start on the day(s) above
Show Time (END) *
Indicate what time you wish for your show to end on the day(s) above
Member Names *
Fill in the names of ALL DJ's who will be contributing to show on a CONSISTENT basis.
Contact Email *
Put the STEVENS e-mail address of the PRIMARY contact you wish for us to use if the WCPR E-Board needs to contact the DJs for any reason.
Stevens ID *
Type out your Stevens ID so that you will be given Swipe Access into the studio for your show.
Slack Username *
The primary contact must be a member of the WCPR Slack in order to keep up with any announcements regarding your show or the station. Please join the Slack here with your Stevens address if you have not done so already. https://wcpr740.slack.com/
Show Format *
Indicate which format fits best to your show. Choose "Variety" if you are unsure.
Show Description *
Describe your show. Descriptions can include genres of music you will play, what guests you plan to have on, as well as any plans for giveaways or contests. Description will be used on wcpr.org
Have you ever run a show on WCPR previously? *
If no, the programming manager will give you a tutorial on using Studio A before you begin broadcasting
Do you agree to abide by WCPR's 10 Commandments? *
By selecting "I/We Agree," you and your fellow DJs (if applicable) are indicating that you fully agree to and will abide by the WCPR membership agreement located at https://tinyurl.com/wcpragreement - Failure to do so will result in the immediate termination of your show and revocation of station card access (be aware that while a few specifics are outdated, the general rules still stand–please ask an e-board member if you have question).
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