Trans Resistance MA Volunteer and Board Member Application Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Trans Resistance Massachusetts! We ask that you complete this form before our initial volunteering conversation. We will follow up with you upon receiving your responses. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions at
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Email *
Your Name *
Your Pronouns
Contact Information *
Why are you interested in volunteering with Trans Resistance MA? *
I am interested in... *
If you are interested in a Board position, which position(s) are of interest to you?
What type of volunteer work (i.e., tabling, communications, fundraising, etc) are you interested in? *
Do you have any experience volunteering for a nonprofit organization or in community advocacy and organizing? If so, please briefly summarize your experience. *
How much time (hours per week and/or total length of time) can you commit to volunteering with Trans Resistance MA? *
What skills do you bring with you to Trans Resistance MA? *
In what way(s) are you personally committed to TQBIPOC (trans and queer Black and indigenous people of color) liberation, advocacy, and inclusivity? *
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