LATE/Pearson project "Reading Circle 2022"
Please complete the  Google Form to apply for the "Reading Circle 2022" project. Deadline for the registration is 7th September. You will be notified if your application was successful by 10th September.

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Name *
Surname *
School *
Phone number *
E-mail *
I would like to participate in the Reading Circle with: *
I have already participated in the "Reading Circle" project:

Write a short paragraph explaining why you would like to take part in the project. *
Evaluate whether you agree with the conditions for participation in the Reading Circle project (the : *
I am a LATE Member
I am responsible for the condition the 16 books and has to reimburse the loss/damage of the book
I am responsible for sending the set of 16 books to the next school within the definite time limits
I will attend group's Zoom meetings (max.3-4 times a year)
I am informed that if the conditions are not met, I may be expelled from the project.
Skolas adrese ar pasta kodu (latviski) *
Man tuvākās  "J. Rozes grāmatnīcas (adrese - latviski) *
Man tuvākā Omnivas pakomāta adrese (atrodama - piem., Rīgas Saharova ielas Maxima XXX pakomāts, 9175) *
Es piekrītu, ka mana personīgā informācija (vārds, uzvārds, tālruņa nr., e-pasts, skolas nosaukums un adrese) ir pieejami attiecīgās grupas dalībniekiem un koordinatoriem. *
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