Rail Trail survey
Any personal information you provide is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will only be used to contact you by one of the local government partners and/or the Shuswap Trail Alliance for the indicated purpose of donating to or volunteering for the rail trail initiative.
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What is your name? *
What's your email address? *
What's your phone number? *
In general, do you support development of a trail in the Shuswap-North Okanagan corridor?
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What do you expect would be your main mode of transportation to get to the trail?
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Where would you most likely access the trail? (nearest landmark or cross street)
The first goal is to establish a basic, compacted gravel surface that follows the discontinued rail line.  As a condition of the purchase and sale of the corridor, no motorized vehicles are permitted (except service & emergency vehicles).  How do you see yourself using the trail? (select all that apply)
How often do you see yourself using the trail?
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On average, how long would you expect to travel on the trail per single use?
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On average, how far would you expect to travel on the trail per single use?
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What community do you live in?
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Other potential improvements to the trail corridor are being deferred until a basic trail can be delivered. Amenities will be reviewed for future, long-term consideration. Please indicate below which you view as most important (1 = most important, 6 = least important) Choose your top 3, at least.
Benches/bike rack
Garbage cans
Parking lots
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Protecting and developing the rail corridor for use as a public right of way benefits residents and recreational enthusiasts today and provide opportunities to meet the transportation and economic needs of the region in the future.  Please check the 2 most important opportunities:
Select the category that best describes your age:
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Is there anything else we should be considering now about the trail use?
Are you interested in being contacted to volunteer in the fundraising campaign?  If yes, please send your contact information! (name, phone, email) *
Are you interested in being contacted to make a donation?   *
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
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