Astor Online Academy Expression of Interest
Astor International School was established in 2019 on a philosophy of enquiry-based and individualised education. Whilst this philosophy has not changed, we recognise that the circumstances around us are changing, and quickly.

Digital transformation is rapidly increasing the choices that are available to businesses and consumers in society. It’s also becoming a source of competitive advantage for individuals and societies. So we acknowledge that children need to (and are expected to) understand digital technology. And we know that some parents want this choice for their children too. The wrenching changes resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic continue to push things in this direction.

Online schooling is convenient alternative to a traditional education. It can be done from any part of the world and from a comfort of your home. It helps to develop independent learners. This is why we launched Astor Online Academy.

This is how Astor Online Academy can help you:

Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) inspired curriculum that is enhanced with International Primary Curriculum (IPC)
It’s a hybrid solution, featuring both online learning and physical interaction amongst students
The school’s physical premises are available to online students and the full suite of Extra Curricula Activities (ECAs) will be offered
Astor Online Academy is leveraging all the resources, experience and expertise accumulated in the development and management of Astor International School
Astor Online Academy using  Google Classroom  as main platform that emphasise security, privacy and data protection.

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