Triton Food Pantry DoorDash Delivery Program Update:
Exciting news! We're partnering with DoorDash's Project DASH Delivery Program through June 2024 to deliver pre-packaged pantry items to all UCSD students.
We're thrilled to offer multiple delivery dates to accommodate everyone. However, we want to ensure fairness. If you ordered last week, we kindly ask that you give others who haven't ordered yet a chance.
This service is for students lacking transportation, registered with OSD/have a disability, or have scheduling conflicts with our pantry hours. Due to high demand, please use it only if you fit these criteria.
Delivery Details:
Deliveries occur weekly for those within a 10-mile radius of the Graduate Housing Triton Food Pantry located on 3605 Miramar Street. Use this link to check eligibility.
How It Works:
Fill the form at least 2 days before delivery to receive a bag of pantry items. You can request specialty items and hygiene products too.
We'll try to accommodate your requests, but stock availability may vary week to week.
⚠️Important Dates⚠️:
There will be no doordash deliveries during summer session, stay tuned for the fall delivery times!
For questions, email