PULSE Graduating Seniors
Dear PULSE Alums,

The PULSE Program would like to keep in touch with you after you graduate from BC! Please complete this form so we can let you know about programs, events, etc. that might be of interest to you (we promise we won't inundate you with emails).

Thank you and congratulations on your upcoming graduation!

The PULSE Program
Stokes N125 / 617-552-3495 / www.bc.edu/pulse / pulse@bc.edu
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Your name: *
Your permanent (non-BC) email address: *
Personal Pronouns
Preferred Phone Number:
When were you a PULSE student? *
Who was (were) your PULSE professor(s)? *
Where did you do your PULSE service? *
If applicable, what year(s) were you on PULSE Council?
What is a favorite PULSE Memory?
Please feel free to share your post-graduation plans!
How do you think PULSE impacted you?
Any suggestions or questions for PULSE?
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