STEM/Medsky Labeler Feedback and Specialty Request Form
This is a form to submit feedback and request new labels for the Bluesky STEM and Medsky Labelers.

BEFORE COMPLETING REQUEST FORM, please confirm your area of study is not already listed in the STEM/Medsky labels catalogue in the accounts listed above. If your specialty is not listed on the catalogue, please fill out the form below to request its inclusion in the labeler system

DISCLAIMER: At this time the STEM labeler is NOT supporting labels that convey official titles or degrees. The labels are used to ascribe a general focus in a particular field. For example, a badge that says "Family Medicine," has a description that states "This user works in the field of Family Medicine," and not "This user is a board certified Family Medicine physician." Therefore we will not support requests for badges that include "PhD," "MS," "MD," "Associate Professor," "Director of X," or any general position/title that implies leadership or authority in a STEM or academic field of study.
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What is your Bluesky Handle? *
Which labeler are you providing feedback for? *
What discipline do you work in? *
What is the area of study you would like included on the Bluesky STEM Labeler or Medsky Labeler? (ONE PER SUBMISSION) *
Do you have any additional feedback regarding the STEM/Medsky labeling system?
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