Drawing Conclusion for Community Problem-Solving
This lesson was taken from the Power for Youth Worksheet #21 and aligned to ALS Learning Strand 2: Scientific Literacy and Critical Thinking Skills.
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Desired Competency
Apply the basic steps of problem solving to work in community-related problems (e.g. hygiene and waste disposal).
Learning Intent
a. Make conclusions based on data gathered.
b. Make recommendations to persons/authorities concerned by making an action plan.
Value Emphasis
Forming valid conclusions after careful examination of evidence
For ALS Teacher's Reference
Competency/ies mapped against:
- 21 LS2SC-SI-PSC-LE/AE/JHS-4: Describe waste/garbage disposal of the family
and the community
LS2SC-SI-PSC-LE/AE/JHS-7: Record observations of the existing conditions at home and in the community using an observation/survey guide
LS2SC-SI-PSC-LE/AE/JHS-8: Conduct simple experiments to the test hypotheses about different life situations in the community
- MYDEV Module No. 3: Leadership and Teamwork Session No. 3,  Activity No. 6
Mindanao youth for development project. (2016). Module 3: Leadership and teamwork. MyDevLife skills curriculum, pp. 22-25
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