Global Studies Fellows Program Application
Thank you for your interest in the Global Studies Fellows Program. This program is open to all students in all majors and in all disciplines. All students who apply will be admitted, although an overall GPA of 3.0 is required to remain in the program.

The Global Studies Fellows Program (GSFP) gives students the opportunity to add a global perspective to their DePauw education. The knowledge and skills you gain from the GSFP curriculum will prepare you for the program's co-curriculum, which includes opportunities for internships, compensated leadership positions, faculty-student research, and both on- and off-campus global learning educational experiences. 

All GSFP students will be provided with support for applying for passports and preparing for international travel. Students in the GSFP who complete its language and core course requirements can apply for up to $4000 for a GSFP global learning educational experience.

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Email *
Name *
What major(s) and minor(s) have you declared or are considering declaring? *
What year do you expect to graduate?
How would becoming a Global Studies Fellow serve your academic trajectory? How might this program help you achieve your goals at DePauw? And how might you contribute to the program? *
Global Studies Fellows take two courses about one of the following regions. Which region do you plan to study?

Global Studies Fellows take two courses that focus on one of the following themes. Which theme do you plan to study?
Students in the Global Studies Fellows Program can apply for the following compensated leadership positions. Would you like to apply for any of the following positions? You can select all of the ones that interest you. (For more detailed descriptions of these leadership positions, click here)
I would like more information about the following (please check as many as apply):
Global Studies Fellows take one 200-level course or above in a language other than English.

Students whose secondary schooling was in a language other than English may be certified as meeting this requirement through the Office of the Registrar, and in consultation with the director of English for Academic Purposes.

Please check all that might apply.
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