AnthrOhio Artists' Alley 2025 Application
This form is for Artists wishing to apply for the AnthrOhio Artists' Alley.
Spaces in the Artists' Alley are selected by Lottery.
The Lottery is free of charge.  Spaces in the AnthrOhio Artists' Alley are $25 per Day. 
Artists must accept all of Artists' Alley's rules listed below and on the AnthrOhio website.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What is your Legal Name?
AnthrOhio does not share this information.
This should match the name written on your State Issued Identification.
What is your preferred Artist, Badge, Business Name?
How we will refer to you and your Space.
What is your Telegram @ name?
AnthrOhio will be doing much of it's communication via Telegram. Please give us the @ name.
Do you wish to be added to the Lottery for Friday Artists' Alley?
Selection will be via a random Lottery.
Artists will begin set-up at 12:00 pm (Noon), and if the Artist has not shown up by 1:00 pm their Table Spot will be reassigned to the Waitlist.
Artist Alley on Friday will be open for sales from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm (5 hours).
Artists will have until 7:00 pm to remove all of their property from Artist's Alley
Do you wish to be added to the Lottery for Saturday Artists' Alley?
Selection will be via a weighted random Lottery. Artists that received a Table Spot on an earlier date will be half as likely to receive a Table Spot on Saturday.
Artists will begin set-up at 9:00 am, and if the Artist has not shown up by 10:00 am their Table Spot will be reassigned to the Waitlist.
Artist Alley on Saturday will be open for sales from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (8 hours).
Artists will have until 7:00 pm to remove all of their property from Artist's Alley
Do you wish to be added to the Lottery for Sunday Artists' Alley?
Selection will be via a weighted random Lottery. Artists that received a Table Spot on an earlier date will be half as likely to receive a Table Spot on Sunday.
Artists will begin set-up at 9:00 am, and if the Artist has not shown up by 10:00 am their Table Spot will be reassigned to the Waitlist.
Artist Alley on Saturday will be open for sales from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm (6 hours).
Artists will have until 5:00 pm to remove all of their property from Artist's Alley
Do you wish to be added to the Artists' Alley Waitlist?
Waitlist is for the entire weekend. 
Waitlist is not a guarantee of a Space.
Waitlist Artists will be sent an Invite to the Artists' Alley Telegram Group.
When a Space opens Artist's Alley Team will post a message in the Telegram Group. The first Artist to directly REPLY to the offering will get the Space and must pay the $25 Day Fee.
Artists in Artists' Alley are required by Ohio State law to have an Ohio Vendor's License.
You can obtain a License from
AnthrOhio will not be able to let you set up without this.

Either indicate that you will have a License by AnthrOhio or enter your License number in the "Other" line
All monetary transactions are the Artist's responsibility.
Payment processing for credit cards and change for cash are the Artist's responsibility
AnthrOhio is not party to any of the Artist's transactions or commissions.
The Artist is responsible for collection and reporting of all applicable Sales Taxes for their transactions.
Artists must have a valid AnthrOhio Badge.
If the Artist has not picked up their Badge from Registration, they should inform the Artists' Alley Team during Setup, so that their pickup can be expedited.
Not Safe For Work (NSFW) material sold or displayed by the Artist must be safely controlled.
Any and all NSFW material must follow ALL 3 of these controls.
1: No Sales of NSFW material to Minors, and Minors should not be allowed access NSFW display material.
2: All NSFW display material should be in a Folder or Binder clearly marked as Adult or 18+, with stickers over genitalia, female nipples or gore on display material.
3: NSFW commissions at AnthrOhio should not be worked on in the Artist's Alley or any other convention or public space at the hotel. Any NSFW commissions that are physically given to a client should have a covering (folder, bag).
Spaces in Artist's Alley are not transferable
When a Space is offered to an Artist, it can only be utilized by that Artist.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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