GHD Health & Wellness Library - Library Card Application
Library cards are available to people who live, work, attend school, or receive medical care within the Grossmont Healthcare District (East County Region of San Diego). With a library card you will be able to use our eLibrary items such as eBooks, digital magazines, audiobooks & streaming video. To check out physical items from the Library, a form of picture ID is required at first checkout. Accepted forms of ID are: California Driver's License or Identification Card, Government issued ID Cards (including Military ID), Passport, or a University, College, or School ID.  Cards are issued for two years and may be renewed if there are no outstanding overdue, lost, or damaged items.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
City, State, Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Are you over the age of 18? *
Name of Parent/Guardian completing the form and accepting liability on behalf of the minor:
Are you applying as a:  *
I will be responsible for the return of all materials checked out by myself, and any damages incurred to those materials while in my possession. I understand that liability includes the cost of the item and a $10.00 processing fee.  

PARENT/GUARDIAN OF A MINOR UNDER THE AGE OF 18; I will be responsible for the return of all materials checked out by my minor child, and any damages incurred to those materials while in possession of my child. I understand that liability includes the cost of the item and a $10.00 processing fee. 
Would you like to receive library news, events and updates? *
How did you hear about GHD's Health & Wellness Library?
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