Takis Athanassiou Blog - Readers Survey
This is my Readers Survey.

It is a small survey related to my blog Takis Athanassiou (http://takisathanassiou.com), and what my readers would like to read or find in my blog. I have launched these surveys in order to gather all the necessary information for making my blog more useful to the needs and requirements of my readers.

This survey was based heavily on the corresponding surveys, launched by Michael Hyatt for collecting the necessary input for his blog Michael Hyatt (http://michaelhyatt.com/).

For my survey, of course, I have done all the necessary modifications that reflect my present requirements. Thank you, Michael, for the wonderful job you have done and shared!
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Reader Information
1. What is your gender?
What is your Gender
2. What is your age?
3. What is your education level?
4. What is your family’s annual household income?
5. What country do you currently live in?
6. If you live in the United States, what state do you currently live in?
7. What is your religious orientation?
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