UC Cooperative Extension and other partners are currently updating the San Benito's Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). The CWPP will serve as a roadmap for prioritizing hazardous fuels reduction and other fire prevention activities to improve community resilience to wildfires. The Core Collaborators Team working on this update want to hear from you in order to understand how we can better plan and prepare for wildfires in your community.
Choose the following that best describes your relationship with San Benito County. Check all that apply.
How would you rank your personal risk from wildfire?
What resources/assets are you most concerned about when it comes to wildfires in San Benito County? Check all that apply.
If you are an agricultural professional, are you aware of the Ag/Livestock Pass?
Do you have any other opinions about wildfires and the role of the CWPP?
If you would like to be added to the mailing list for future updates about the project, enter your name and email address below.
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