Princess Energy Quiz

The concepts of Princess energy and Queen energy are often used to describe different attitudes and approaches to life, particularly in the context of personal empowerment and relationships.

  1. Princess Energy:

    • This mindset is associated with women, who may view themselves as helpless or in need of rescue. They may rely on others to solve their problems, make them happy, or provide a sense of purpose.

    • The Princess may look to external sources for validation, support, or fulfillment, such as romantic partners, friends, or family.

    • This mindset can sometimes lead to a passive or dependent approach to life, where personal ownership and self-reliance are lacking.

  2. Queen Energy:

    • In contrast, Queen energy represents a sense of personal empowerment and self-sufficiency. It's often associated with an attitude of self-reliance, self-respect, and taking charge of one's life.

    • The Queen takes responsibility for their own well-being, happiness, and success. They make choices based on their own values and desires rather than seeking external validation.

    • This energy often reflects a strong and independent mindset, which can lead to healthier relationships and a greater sense of personal fulfillment.

You can exhibit aspects of both mindsets in different situations or stages of life. The practice is to encourage self-awareness and personal growth, helping you move toward a more self-empowered and fulfilling way of living if you find yourself  predominantly in Princess Energy.

Ultimately, these concepts highlight the importance of self-discovery, personal agency, and taking responsibility for one's own life and happiness, rather than relying solely on others for validation and support.

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Take your princess level assessment 

Step 1-

Be honest with yourself and complete the quiz thinking of your health and fitness journey. The questions are in a true or false format.

Step 2 -

Take the time to reflect on your answers and evaluate if these thoughts serve your outcome and the woman you want to be.

Save me. The damsel in distress wants Prince Charming to come along and sweep her off her feet feet. She wants to be rescued — from her finances, health, career, the world without having to put in much of the work herself.  *
14 points
Grant me permission. The Princess needs permission before she does what she wants. And, if she doesn’t get it, she usually just sits around and blames others. *
14 points
Validate me. Nothing makes a Princess smile more than others telling her how amazing she is. She needs her husband to tell her that she’s beautiful, her family to put her on a pedestal and her friends to celebrate her every move. She gets giddy from external validation; her world turns dark without it. *
14 points
It’s all about me. She’s not concerned with how events affect others. For a princess, the world revolves around her. *
14 points
There’s Not Enough. The Princess lives with a fear of her well running dry. She sees life through competition and comparison. Is she prettier/more successful/smarter/better than me is how she ranks herself among a scarce world. *
14 points
Lacks Appreciation and Gratitude. The Princess can appear spoiled, because she tends to focus on what she doesn’t have versus all that she’s been blessed with. *
14 points
I don’t want to look bad. Because the Princess adores to be adored, she will avoid (at all costs) looking bad. This holds her back on so many levels. She doesn’t take risks. She avoids any situation that could expand her growth but might involve failure. *
14 points
It’s not my fault. The Princess can not own up to her own decisions and actions. There is always a reason she can’t.... or won’t... or hasn’t changed. She is often stuck on a loop complaining of what has not worked, without the desire to seek another path because she believes “nothing” will work. *
14 points
It’s okay, I guess. She accepts mediocrity, she continue to do things or accept things as they are because it‘s the way it has always been done. She puts up with mediocrity in her job, her lifestyle, her body, her marriage and her sexual pleasure. The princess does not want to “push buttons“ because she does not believe she is worth having better, in fear of loosing what she currently has. *
14 points
I am always right. Because the princess believes the world revolves around her, she also believes she is never wrong. She has a hard time accepting fault or apologizing to others an admitting fault. *
14 points
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