Survey: Guardianship and Conservatorship
If you are someone who has had experience with guardianship and conservatorship in the probate court system, we would like you to take our survey.  This survey is intended to give you a voice and tell about your experience.

Information collected through the survey will be used to identify areas where there needs to be reform in the guardianship/conservatorship systems.  

After you enter the contact information and questions below please press SUBMIT,  You will then receive an e-mail to the address entered below with a personalized link to our main survey.  

Your personal data entered here will not be included with the survey results.

                                       Copyright  2019-2023  - All Rights Reserved
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
1.  Your name: *
2. Your mailing address:
Street, City, Zip
3. Your phone number:
4. Your E-Mail address: *
5.  Wards name *
6.  What state was guardianship/conservatorship ordered in?
7.  Type of ward and impairment
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8.  Rate experience with probate court system.
Please rate the overall experience for the ward.  Enter 5 for neutral or no opinion.
Bad- Ward was harmed by probate court invovement
Good - Ward benefited from probate court invovement
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9. Would you be willing to help advocate for guardianship reform?
10. Where did you hear about this survey?
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11.  Please provide a description of what happened with the guardianship.
Additional Resources on Guardianship/Conservatorship
Our main Probate Watch web site contains information on guardianships/conservatorships along with links to many organizations and other advocates which focus on problems with the guardianship/conservatorship industry.  

If you have any questions or issues with the survey, you can contact us at:

Taking our Survey ...
Thank you for agreeing to take our survey.   After you press SUBMIT below, You will receive an e-mail at the address above with a personalized link to our survey.

Please be sure that you press SUBMIT at the end of the survey to save your results.  

After submitting your survey, you receive an updated link which can be used to return to your survey entry and answer additional questions or update answers.

                               Copyright 2021  - All Rights Reserved

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