Lola Monroe Return Form
Please complete this form and mail your items back within 7 days of receipt.

RETURNS / Lola Monroe Boutique  
2570 Greenwood Lane Ste C
Cameron Park, CA 95682

Please note that returns are processed in batches 2-3 times per week.  

Please allow 3-7 Business days from delivery receipt for processing (though we always strive to process them quicker).

You will receive an automated email with your return/credit update once processed.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
You can ship your package using any service you'd like.  We list cheaper shipping options below if you'd like to check them out.

Please ship all items back to the address listed in instructions Above.  

(Please note that one item under 1lb should cost around $5.50-$7.50 shipped USPS First Class.  Over a pound [ie: heavy items or multiples] should be able to ship priority flat rate envelope around $8.50-9.50.) 

Using a service from home like PayPal or Pirate Ship to ship is usually easier and cheaper BUT YOU can ship however YOU prefer.
Paypal Shipping: Pirate Ship Shipping:
Return Shipping Tips (Screenshot Me)
I Certify that this item was RECEIVED within the last 7 days, has all tags attached and is free of scents and hairs to be eligible for a return. *
Earned Loyalty Cash on your order from a special APP event?  Quick reminder that these are final sale. Say Got It :-) *
GOT TAGS?!?! Tags MUST be attached the way they were shipped to you...removed and in the bag, stapled back on, paperclips or anything that isn't the exact exact exact way they were received to you will result in an invoice for return shipping for a rejected return.  (If this sounds crazy it's because it happens daily ;-) ) *
I certify that I will have this item POSTMARKED BY the post office for return no later than SEVEN days after delivery receipt. *
I understand that returns are eligible on all FULL PRICED products only.   *
Items ending in .99, Made to order items ending in .97, Coupon codes with the exception of first time customer codes are NOT eligible for a return. Ineligible Return items: Pre-sales, Made to order, BOGO, doorbuster, closeout, accessories, holiday, bralette/leggings etc...You can read our return policy in full on the bottom of our website at
First Name (that is on your order) *
Last Name (that is on your order...please confirm this matches your order in the event of spouse paypal, business acount or maiden names used) *
Email Address associated with return *
Reason for returning *
Once your return is processed you will be issued a store credit on your app account and be notified at the email you use to login to your app.  If you login with Apple ID and have a fake apple relay ID you may not get the notification but when you add an item to your cart you will see a CHECKBOX to use your credit at checkout.  

Please list size and style of item you are returning. *
We are not a fan of disclaimers but unfortunately we get some crazy returns.  This item has not been worn and tags are still attached.  If shoes, they have not been worn outside.  This item is free of scents, hair, animal hair/fur/claw marks, stains or any other defect that would place this item into an UNSELLABLE condition.  I understand that returning an item in an unsellable condition will result in forfeiture of the item or require additional return shipping to receive the item back when applicable. *
I understand that I am responsible for shipping charges both ways. *
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