Thank you for considering From The Ground Up for your landscaping needs. Your input is essential in helping us understand your requirements better. Please take a moment to complete the following questionnaire.
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Address *
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Location/Address of Project *

Please check all the services you are interested in:

How did you hear about us?
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Name of Referral/Magazine/Other
Will you be occupying the house during landscape construction?
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Are you doing any other site improvements and/or house remodeling/construction?
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If your answer was Yes, are you working with a builder/architect/designer? 
What is your landscape construction budget
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Briefly describe your property as-is: 

(Lot size, home size, what’s there now, what you love, what you don’t, etc.)

What improvements or features would you like in your new landscape?

Project Timeline? What schedule do you have in mind for completing the design process, construction drawings and constitution of the improvements. If you have a specific deadline (wedding, graduation, etc) please tell us about it below.

What else should we know about your property, your wishes, your family, or you?
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