Participants registration form 
Do you live in Austria? ACTIVE Austria team created a Google form to gather your initial interest in upcoming learning opportunities that will take place abroad and in Austria. These opportunities are co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme.

Upon receiving your completed form, we will review your responses and send you a confirmation via email regarding your participation status. Please note that while certain learning experiences abroad may be age-restricted, we welcome everyone who is motivated and interested in the particular learning topic.

We invite you to fill the registration form.  or 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Choose the project you would be interested to join:

First Name *
Surname *
Country of birth *
Place of birth *
Which city or village do you live in Austria?

Gender *
Date of Birth *
Current occupation status (student, employed, unemployed,...) *
Name of the school or employer *
Field of work or study *
Phone number (incl. country code) *
Email *
Have you ever participated in some other youth exchange or educational events abroad? *
If yes, on how many?
Please write more information about youth exchanges, training or other events abroad (name, topic and place)
I am interested in subscribing to ACTIVE Austria newsletter for updates on educational opportunities in Austria and beyond. *
I hereby confirm, that I give permission to organisation Association for Active Life and Education to process provided personal data in this form for the purposes of the selection of participants  *
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