Anonymous Safety/Security Reporting
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In case of immediate threat or danger, please call 911 or the Ridgewood police department at 201-670-5519.

This form is to be used to report life-threatening behaviors/social media posts as they pertain to school security and safety. Please do not report building maintenance or disciplinary issues on this form.

At Ridgewood Public Schools we want all students, parents, staff, and the community to feel comfortable coming forward with information about any activity that poses a threat to the safety and security of our students, staff, and school property. If you see something, say something.

Please fill out the detailed information below to inform us of significant safety and security concerns. All information submitted will be reviewed and addressed according to district policies.

Required Information
Please fill out all the questions in this section.
Location of concern *
Nature of concern *
Provide a detailed description with specific information (what happened, student name(s), grade level, date of incident, witness(es), exact source or location of concern).
Detailed description of concern *
Optional Information  
Provide your contact information or leave it blank for anonymous reporting.
Phone #
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