Dear Employer,
Many graduates of our College are already working in your organization. We are thankful to you for providing them employment with your prestigious Company/Organization. We shall appreciate, if you can spare some of your valuable time to give feedback regarding your satisfaction on the performances of our students. It will help us to improve the College further and give you better employees in future.
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Email *
Name of the Employee *
Designation of the Employee *
Company/Organization *
How satisfied are you with the Jhanji Hemnath Sarma College students performance? *
Based on your experience of working with our college students, how would you like to comment on theirĀ 
General communication skills
Innovativeness and creativity in response to workplace challenges
Planning, organization, management and leadership qualities
Ability to adopt technology and workplace equipment
Ability to contribute to the goal of the organization
Relationship with seniors/peers/subordinates *
Involvement in social activities
Ability to take up extra responsibility
Would you like to recruit more students from our College in future?
Are there any specific comments that you would like to make regarding the academic training, syllabus, practical exposure and hands-on experience of the Jhanji Hemnath Sarma College? *
Any other comments or suggestions? *
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