Tracking Entry/Denial of Entry to the U.S.  پیگیری محرومیت از ورود به ایالات متحده
The Iranian American Bar Association, DC Chapter is collecting Entry/ Denial of Entry information of the Refugees and other Immigrant and Non-Immigrant individuals affected by the Executive Order "Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States" signed by Donald J. Trump on January 27, 2017. The purpose of this database is to provide assistance to the individuals who may be targeted, and also to use for future legal actions.

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Immigration Status:  (وضعیت مهاجرت)
Departure: خروج
Port/Place of Departure: محل خروج
Date of Departure: تاریخ خروج
Time of Departure: زمان خروج
Entry to the United States: ورود به ایالات متحده
If Entry Allowed, Length of Check Point Delay (CBP Check):
Port/Place of Entry to the United States: محل ورود به ایالات متحده
Date of Entry:تاریخ ورود
Time of Entry:زمان ورود
Additional Information/Notes: اطلاعات اضافی / یادداشت
Provide Email: ارائه ایمیل
Please Share your Email Address in case of Denial of Entry, so we can reach you در صورت رد اجازه ورود، لطفا آدرس پست الکترونیکی خود را با ما به اشتراک بگذارید
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