Staff application form

this is the way to contact us, if you're interested in taking your part in High Stakes moderation, development or any other help to the cause!

Please, state below what you are interested in and capable of!

If we will believe you might be a good fit, you will definitely be in touch!

However, don't necessarily expect us to respond right away. It is also possible we won't respond at all, but we thank you for approaching us nonetheless!
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Your full Discord ID (ex.: MoravianLion#1234) *
Your Age *
Your timezone *
What motivates you to become a part of the staff team? *
Are you looking for to become a moderator or developer? If developer, what can you bring to the table? Can you showcase any of your previous work?  If moderator, do you have any experience? *
Why do you think you are best suited to this role? *
Describe a time you made a mistake and the steps you took to resolve it *
Be creative! ( a little voice recording of yourself would be much appreciated, can be uploaded to youtube or any similar service) *
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