OA Week 2023
Thank you for your interest in GOA-ON's OA Week 2023, a virtual multi-day forum to highlight ocean acidification research for sustainability initiatives around the world. The GOA-ON secretariat will compile responses from this survey to craft a program for the event and will reach out to interested individuals to follow up.
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The dates for OA week 2023 have not yet been chosen. Please indicate your preference below. *
Sessions: OA Week 2023 will feature virtual sessions organized around a common topic or theme. Topics and themes could include Regional Hubs, OARS Outcomes, GOA-ON communities or working groups, or common areas of interest. Each session will feature 3-5 short presentations that will be immediately followed by a live panel discussion and Q&A with the speakers. Please respond below if you are interested in leading a session. Include a short description and potential time slots for which you would be available.

Community Discussions: OA Week 2023 will feature Community Discussions that promote conversations about a particular issue that is relevant to the GOA-ON community. If you are interested in leading a Community Discussion or if you would like to suggest a topic, please respond below with a short description and potential times slots for which you would be available.

Presentations: If you are interested in sharing your research or other work around ocean acidification at OA Week 2023 in a short presentation, please respond below with a short description of your potential topic. 
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