中島秀人教授 最終講義 / Final lecture of Prof. Hideto NAKAJIMA

3月11日(金) 14:30-受付開始  15:00-最終講義 17:00-終了予定
会場:東工大蔵前会館1階 ロイヤルブルーホール


Prof. Hideto NAKAJIMA of the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Institute for Liberal Arts) will retire at the end of March 2022.
Therefore, he will give his final lecture as follows.

March 11, 2022 (Friday)
14:30(JST) --Reception Opening
15:00(JST) --Final Lecture Delivery
17:00(JST) --Scheduled Ending
Venue: Royal Blue Hole, 1st floor Tokyo Tech Front (Kuramae Kaikan)
Access: http://www.somuka.titech.ac.jp/ttf/access/index.html

The final lecture will be given in English and it will be a hybrid type of on-site event and online live video.
If you would like to attend the final lecture, please register using this Google Form.
※Please enter your email address in the first field of the Google Form below.
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Email *
登録締切:3月7日(月) / Registration Deadline: March 7, 2022 (Monday)
Those who wish to participate in the on-site event will be notified in early March of the safety measures to follow when visiting the venue.
In addition, we will inform all Google Form registrants of the Zoom URL for the online live video the day before.
Those who wish to participate in the on-site event are also required to register by the end of February to prevent the risk of infection at the venue.
氏名 / Your Name *
中島秀人先生との関係 / Relation to Prof. Hideto NAKAJIMA(例:2010年度中島研修士、2012-2014年度中島研在籍、2016年度「技術史」受講生、リベラルアーツ研究教育院の同僚、XX年来の友人、など) *
最終講義の参加方法を選択してください。/ Choose the way to participate in the Final Lecture. *
【2/6(日)追記】大学から感染対策のため会場参加者を収容人数の1/2以下にする指示が出ましたので、2/6(日)以降は対面参加を希望された方は先着順とし、定員に到達した場合には締め切らせていただきます。既に登録済みの方は対面参加可能ですので、ご安心ください。【Postscript February 6th】To prevent the risk of infection at the venue, Tokyo Tech insists on the necessity of limiting the number of participants to less than half of the venue capacity. Once we reach the maximum number, on-site participation will be closed.
備考欄 / Note
当日配布する冊子に掲載する「メッセージ」「エッセー」の投稿:3/7(月)締切 / To submit your “message” or “essay” for the booklet distributed on the day of the event. Deadline: March 7th (Monday)
The URL for the above-mentioned submission form will be shown in the automatic reply to allow you to submit it later.
An automatic reply with the copy of your response will be sent to your address.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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