MREG 2023 Application Form
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred Pronouns
Home Institution *
In Fall 2023, which year of grad school will you be in? *
Would your research interests best be described as pure or applied math? *
Do you have an advisor?
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If you answered yes above, could you tell us who they are?
Give a list of grad-level math courses taken (if applicable; otherwise write N/A). To help us pick a research group for you, please group your courses according to a sub-discipline (such as Algebra, Topology, PDEs, etc.). *
Please describe any past research experience (REUs,  publications, courses with a research component)
Give a ranked preference of projects that you'd like to be part of. You can find descriptions on our website (You may give multiple projects the same rank) *
1 (Most Interested)
5 (Least Interested)
Caleb Ashley - Geometric Structures and Curves on Surfaces
Juliette Bruce - The Virtual Euler Characteristic for Graphic Matroids
Keisha Cook - Utilizing Stochastic Modeling Techniques in Interdisciplinary Studies
Neel Patel - Using Analysis and PDE to Study Traffic Flow
Yutong Wang - Trade-off Between Interpolation and Generalization
Please describe why you want participate in MREG 2023. (<500 words. If you have any specific mathematical interests or projects you wish to be part of, mention them here) *
Please describe why you believe you are a good fit for MREG 2023. (<500 words) *
Will you be able to participate if the program is held virtually?
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Additional Comments
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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