Jimin Birthday 2024 Hashtags | Poll Round 1
Hello, everyone!

Thank you for your time. Please select the hashtags you like best. Let's come up with lovely, enjoyable and meaningful hashtags for Jimin's birthda!

DEADLINE: September 30 at 12pm KST
Please choose  a hashtag descriptive of the day.
Which hashtags with "Muse" do you prefer? *
Please choose a hashtag with "October."

Hashtags in the past:
2019 - #OurOctoberSerendipity
2020 - #OctoberPrinceJimin
2021 - #LightofOctober
2022 - #AngelofOctober
2023 - #OctoberBlessingJimin
Please choose a hashtag with "29 years".
Please choose a hashtag with "Our Singer."

Jimin once said on his Vlive: "'Thank you for being my singer'... 'I'm happy you are my singer, I like that you are my singer, you're the reason I'm alive'—these comments are so valuable and so precious to me... 'Bangtan Boys, BTS, my singer, I'm happy you're my singer'—those comments really make me feel the happiest."
Please choose or suggest a hashtag with "1013."

2019 - #1013Gift
2020 - #1013FiltersofJimin
2021 - #1013Serendipity
2022 - #1013Blessing
2023 - #1013Prince
Please choose a hashtag on Jimin's voice.

Please choose a hashtag on Jimin as a performer.

2019 - #StageFairyJimin
2020 - #StageGeniusJimin
2021 - #StageLegendJimin
2022 - #StageKingJimin

All options are fans' and media's references to Jimin.
Please choose your Top 7 Preferred Hashtags / Keywords *
Optional: Please feel free to suggest other hashtag(s) not listed above.
How many hashtags/keywords should we announce for trending? This excludes terms that would naturally rise on the trends such as his names, Jimtober, and "Happy Birthday Jimin." *
Will you join if we have a month or week-long #ShowYourMuse Project where fans will be encouraged to promote Jimin's album MUSE or share about their muse Jimin? Do you have suggestions? *
Do you have other comments and suggestions for Jimin's birthday? Please share here.
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