Writers Café Community Prompt
Sundance Collab invites members to submit a prompt for Writers Café!
Please note that we are unable to guarantee the date the prompt will be featured. 

Here are two prompt examples:

Dream sequences are a common trope in movies and TV because of their unlimited potential for visual creativity and the opportunity to dive deep into a character’s psyche. Today, write a dream sequence that explores your main character’s deepest thoughts, whether it’s a core wound, a memory from their childhood, their deepest anxieties, an unexplored desire, or just a random collection of familiar faces and images. How does this deeper understanding of your character move the story forward?

We’re all motivated by purpose - what is your character’s? Take this deeper than surface motivations. Is it past trauma, whether conscious or unconscious? Perhaps love for someone or something? Think of the driving forces behind how your character thinks, acts, and walks around in their world. Are they aware of their purpose? Are we? Or is there a hidden reason for all they do, even if it doesn’t serve their interests? Create a story-within-a-story you can use to inform your character’s journey.  
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Please submit your prompt in a similar format to the above example and do not exceed 150 words. Please note that we may edit and/or trim your prompt to fit our guidelines and template.  

Please include a link to a webpage other writers can use to answer your prompt.
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