Hillingdon Council: Divest for Palestine!   

We, the undersigned call on Hillingdon Council to divest the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) and end procurement contracts with, companies enabling Israel’s grave violations of Palestinian rights.

We call on the Council to:

1.   Commit to divest the Local Government Pension Scheme fund administered by the council from companies complicit in Israel’s genocide and apartheid against Palestinians. These include:

  • Arms companies supplying Israel with weapons and military technology
  • Companies providing infrastructure for Israel’s unlawful military occupation of Palestinian land
  • Companies conducting business activity in Israel’s illegal settlements on stolen Palestinian land
2.  Use its influence as part of London Collective Investment Vehicle (CIV) to publicly lobby it to divest from companies enabling Israel's human rights abuses.

3.  Commit to end procurement contracts with companies complicit in Israel’s attacks. For example, terminate all banking arrangements with Barclays, which provides substantial financing to companies supplying Israel with weapons used in attacks on Palestinians.
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