TEDxRutgers is hosting our annual Speechcraft competition, where talented students come to inspire the university by performing their own TED-inspired talks.
Past participants of Speechcraft have spoken about their personal struggles and how they grew from it, their changing perspectives after coming to college, understanding their cultural and national identity, and the journey of being a student entrepreneur and a student activist.
Still not sure what we are looking for? Here are the talks given by the winners of past Speechcraft:
Carl Heer:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsQ6Qlgivrk&list=PLW8QB0JjCXX8xNDraaozmcQhQ3ewQaCmL&index=1Sarah Pomeranz:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrVwmngjOIo&feature=youtu.beDeadline to apply: Thursday, October 21st @ 11:59 pm!
Competition Stages
Round 1: (this form) Submit a 2-3 minute video of your talk’s main points by Thursday, October 21st @ 11:59pm.
Round 2: TEDxRutgers will notify applicants of their eligibility to perform and selected candidates will give a 5-7 minute version of their talk at SpeechCraft 2021, Thursday, November 4th.
Round 3: Two winners will be chosen to perform a full-length TED talk, 12-18 minutes at the TEDxRutgers 2021 Conference on Saturday, February 26th, 2021.
What we’re looking for:
* Clear and concise ideas
* Originality and engaging subject matter
* Reminiscent of a TED talk
Please note that we value the content and substance of your talk over the stylistic effects. This means a video recorded on your phone vs a professional camera will be treated in the same manner. We will be listening to everyone's submissions blindly as to be as fair and impartial as possible.
Check out
www.tedxrutgers.com/speakers to learn more about our past student speakers!